Welcome to Life Be Crrr-azy, my Writer Roni rants and ramblings about the craziness of life. Because, really, wouldn't you rather laugh than cry?!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Take a big old bite

   Last night was my last "Writing for Magazines" class at OTC.  I will miss it. Although the class was helpful in getting ideas for articles to write and magazines that might buy them, the best thing was the connection to other writers.  The instructor, Steve Koehler (formerly of the Springfield News-Leader), is a terrific teacher, full of anecdotes and inspiration and encouragement that all six of us in class can be writers just like him.  He read the pieces we wrote out loud and projected them on the big screen, commented on parts that were particularly vibrant or unique, and we felt like writers.  Good writers.  Everyone in the class had varied levels of writing experience and interest, yet our enthusiasm bubbled up like a geyser about to spew when we talked about our project ideas and praised each other's work.  I was in the company of others who share my passion for words and writing, and I loved it.
   My point in all of this is, I may never write or sell an article to a magazine but it doesn't matter.  I got out and did something to feed my soul, to pursue a passion, to move a little closer to the "me" I want to become.  So I'm encouraging yall to do the same.  Find something you fancy and take a big old bite out of it.  If you've always wanted to learn to play the harmonica, buy one and start blowing.  (I know a wonderful harp teacher, by the way.)  If you can picture yourself flying down the street on a skateboard, get one and start flying.  (And call me, I need practice riding Pinkie!)  And if you are inclined to write, definitely take one of Steve Koehler's classes at OTC.  Whatever makes your heart go pitter pat, put some time and effort into making it a part of your life.
   I started reading Julia Cameron's book "The Sound of Paper," filled with smack-you-upside-the-head essays about nurturing your creative soul, and she writes that most of the time "we are too busy living a life to have a life worth living."  Don't let that be you.  Take a bite out of something you would love to do today.
   Have a crrr-azy Wednesday, Yall!  Hope you are getting rumbles of thunder and spatters of rain like I'm getting at my house!       

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