Welcome to Life Be Crrr-azy, my Writer Roni rants and ramblings about the craziness of life. Because, really, wouldn't you rather laugh than cry?!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Free at last . . .

. .. .. free at last, thank God Almighty, I be free at last!! Sister S was released from the hospital last night, and my niece went home. Finally, after 12 days! Of course, it took nearly four hours to get her discharged and loaded up in my car (thank God Almighty as well for the buff cutie Nurse Aide Brandon who somehow finagled my sister cross-ways in the back seat of my dinky Cavalier!); get her out of my car and into her house using a walker because she can't put any weight on her metal-plate-fortified broken leg; remove her toilet seat and install a commode chair (I never thought I'd need to know how to do that!); and load up and deliver all of my niece's clothes, accessories, and left-over groceries to her home, plus the assorted errands my sister needed done. When I got home to MY quiet house, sans teenager, I was too exhausted to do more than scarf down a Sonic burger (I felt I should have some sort of splurgey treat to celebrate!) with a petite glass of wine and fall into bed.
   The ordeal isn't over. Since Sister S is without a car and probably couldn't drive anyway with her leg held straight-as-a-board in a heavy brace, I will be called upon to tote her to multiple follow-up doctor appointments, get groceries, and run miscellaneous errands. I'm okay with that. At least my life feels like my own now when I come home, and that's the way I like it.
   With all that's happened, I have a greater appreciation for caregivers in general and mothers in particular. How they can manage having no life of their own and no privacy, being run ragged with endless grocery-buying and errand-doing and back-and-forthing to school and activities, plus keeping up with laundry and cooking and cleaning -- and not go bat crap crazy -- I do not know. But I applaud you, Mothers Everywhere! You are severely overworked and under-appreciated!! I also have a renewed gratitude for the services of Planned Parenthood and plan to stay on birth control pills until my Social Security kicks in just to be safe!
   Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes, Readers! 


  1. Is it OK that I laughed like a crazy man the whole time I read this. I appreciate the challenges you've been through the last few days and how you've been a real trooper, but you're account of it cracks me up. I guess that's the point :D Thanks for sharing your diary.

    1. Laugh away, Cuz! I didn't realize how comical the entire ordeal was until it was all over, then after a huge sigh of relief I had a good chuckle too. I'd rather laugh than cry anytime!!

  2. I have always told people, "There is a reason I am single." Actually there are a number of them, some of which are listed above. Roma

    1. Amen to that, Roma!! I'm even leery of getting a dog again after going through this!


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