I dayum sure do! So today I cracked open "Gay Men Don't Get Fat" by Simon Doonan. Hootiest book I've read since Jen Lancaster's "Jeneration X"! Mr. Doonan is a flower-shirted fashionista with a flair for all things fabulous and funny. For instance, he and husband Mr. Jonny go to a barbie and find themselves "the only gays in the village, i.e. the barbecue is all hetero." So he listens in on the straight-guy conversation and notices the "astounding array of difference between our tribe and theirs." He describes typical gay-guy convo as (I did some editing for language here):
First Gay: Have you seen this new chick on The Real Housewives of New Jersey? She's vulgar. Hard looking. Sex crazed.
Second Gay: Wow! For you it must have been like looking in the mirror.
First Gay: "F" you!
Second Gay: Here's a flyer for the Michael Bastian sample sale.
First Gay: J'adoring you!
Now that's funny stuff!! But the hetero-dude convo he describes is even funnier:
First Straight: Gotta fly to Denver tomorrow.
Second Straight: Luvin' my new Harley. That's her sittin' out in the driveway. Ain't she a beauty?
Third Straight: Took me two hours to get here from Westhampton. Kids are crying in the back . . .
First Straight: Fresno the week after.
Second Straight: It does eight-five m.p.h. A total "f'ing" chick magnet.
Third Straight: Belch!
The only downside to the book so far is finding out how "naff" my fashion sense is. (I'm not giving anything away, you've got to read his book to figure it out!) But I'll keep working on it and maybe if I steal a few of his style tips and the donations at the Salvation Army pick up (come on folks, this mama needs a new pair of jeans!), I can get some non-gay glam of my own.
If you're more in the mood for something funny to watch, I stumbled onto a series called "Exes and Ohs," about a klatsch of Seattle lesbians, their relationships and friendships. Jennifer, played by writer and producer Michelle Paradise, reminds me of me in always trying to be nice (I didn't say I succeed, I only try), even to her ex Sienna who just got married to their former couple's therapist, but she blasts out of her nice-gal cocoon after taking a pole dancing class. I really enjoyed when the scenes pause and Jennifer spills the rules of being a lesbian. In other action, dog-rescuers Chris and Kris (I'm not sure which is which) decide to try to get pregnant, while indie-rocker and barista Clutch tries to hone her sound while living in the coffee-shop storage room. And I love, love, love red-headed Sam, the luscious "L" version of "Sex and the City's" Samantha Jones. I found Season One at the library, but I saw Seasons Two and Three available online, so give it a try if you haven't watched it.
Lesbian comedy not your thing? My go-to show if I really need a laugh and nothing else is working is "Big Bang Theory." I've been a BBT junkie from day one. My fave episode of all time is "The Einstein Approximation" from Season Three! Believe me, if seeing up-tight Dr. Sheldon Cooper slithering around in a bouncy-ball room shouting "Bazinga" doesn't give you a chuckle, it's time for medication!!
Enjoy and let's hear some crrr-azy laughter, huh?!
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