Do you remember that disco-era tune by Chic called "Good Times?" Great song with a thumping bass line -- "Good times, these are the good times, leave your cares behind, a new state of mind, these are the good times." Give it a listen on YouTube if you haven't heard it in a while and I guarantee your booty will be groovin'.
What put me in mind of the song was my Sister K came by last night for a visit and we had such a good time! I loaded up the CD player with relaxing New-Agey music and some smooth jazz from the Vince Guaraldi trio, cracked open a bottle of Farnese Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, and we reclined on the couch and chick chatted like we hadn't done in ages. Just what the doctor ordered for both of us because our lives have been extra crrr-azy lately and we both needed to get in a new state of mind. May I recommend good tunes, good wine, and convo with a good friend (who may be your sister) if you need to leave your cares behind. Works every time.
It was near dark as she was leaving and we were standing by the driveway hugging good-bye. All of a sudden we heard this strange whirring noise and started looking around just as one of our automatic sprinkler heads pops out of the ground right next to Sister K's foot and starts squirting the yard. She screamed like a banshee and jumped a foot off the ground! She thought it was some huge bug clawing it's way out of the ground and attacking her. We got such an almost-tinkle-your-pants laugh out of that to top off our good-times evening!
What does rain have to do with this? When we were chatting, Sister K said, "I'm going to have to get on Facebook again and ask people to pray for rain." Just a while ago on the phone my mama asked me to start praying for rain. And on the news tonight, I heard the entire state of Missouri has been declared a disaster due to the drought. Now I'm not religious but I do believe in prayer, so I'm putting the call out for everyone to PRAY FOR RAIN. Or meditate or chant or do a rain dance if you don't get into prayer. And don't just do it for Missouri. The excessive heat and paltry amount of rain is making life tough for a good chunk of the country. Maybe if we all put our energy toward asking for rain, we may just break this drought. Then I can make DMan turn off those attack sprinklers!
Pass the word to PRAY FOR RAIN and have a relaxing Humpday evening, Yall!
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